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Amrita university AEEE-2019

Exam Details

Date of Notification 19/10/2018
Last Date 10th April,2019 (CBT)
Exam Date 22nd April,2019-26th April,2019
Communication Details https://www.amrita.edu/admissions/btech-2019
Eligibility AEEE 2019 Eligibility Criteria Interested candidates should fulfill following eligibility criteria: Age Limit Candidates shall be born on or after 01st July 1998 Educational Qualification A pass in 10+2 (class XII) or its equivalent securing an aggregate of 60% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with not less than 55% marks in each of these three subjects (or) A three-year Diploma in Engineering with minimum 60% marks, awarded by any State Board of Technical Education Those who appear for the above examination in March/April 2019 and expect to secure minimum marks as above, may also apply Note that because of the fact that the information brochure of AEEE 2019 is not yet available only schedule date has been announced now, we are giving here data based on last year's brochure
Course Bachelor of Engineering / Technolgy (BE / B.Tech)
Specialization Aeronautical Engineering (BE / B.Tech)
Exam Pattern online
Application Procedure

 AEEE 2019 Application Form

To apply for Amrita Entrance Examination Engineering (AEEE-2019), the eligible and interested candidates should register for AEEE-2019 by submitting an application in the prescribed form either ONLINE or by using a printed OMR application, BUT NOT BOTH.
Based on the rank obtained by the candidates in AEEE-2019, candidates will be called for admission counseling and candidates can choose their branch & campus from any of the available seats as per their preference and eligibility during counselling
Application Form can be downloaded from the website www.amrita.edu of Amrita University
Application can be submitted either online or using printed OMR application form; application can be submitted either online or using printed OMR application form
Application Fee Rs.1000/- for CBT as well as P&P (application fee once paid will not be refunded)
By Post
Applications can be procured in person from the Admission office of Amrita Schools of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bengalur or Coimbatore on producing a Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of "Amrita School of Engineering" payable at Coimbatore
Application can also be obtained by post, from the Admission Co-ordinators of Amrita Schools of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bengaluru or Coimbatore (address given below), on a written request indicating applicant's full communication address together with a Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of "Amrita School of Engineering" payable at Coimbatore
By Online
Apply through Amrita University Website http://aeee.amrita.edu/regCandidate.aspx
If there is any difficulty faced by the candidate to complete the application, please send email to admissions@amrita.edu. Payment can be done through either Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking
In case if you are paying the application form fee as demand draft, you should have the demand draft with you for Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of "Amrita School of Engineering", payable at Coimbatore
On receipt of application fee (i) "ONLINE" or (ii) in the form of Demand Draft along with printed copy of completed application form downloaded from the admission portal on or before March 2019, an email will be sent to the registered Email-ID containing the details of the payment receipt and application confirmation
For all enquiries related to Entrance Exam, and admission process, please call: +91-422-2685169/170
List of Colleges
Notification website
Contact Details

 Amrita University, Coimbatore 

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritanagar, Coimbatore -641112, Tamilnadu, India,
Tel.: +91 422 2685000, Fax: +91-422-2686274, Website www.amrita.edu
Sucess Tips
Important Dates

  Online Registration Closing Date for CBT (Computer Based Test) 10th April,2019

Online Registration Closing Date for PPT (Pen and Paper Test) 20th April,2019
Admit Card download to commence from 5th April,2019- 10th April,2019
Exam Dates for CBT (Computer Based Test) 22nd April,2019-26th April,2019
Exam Dates for CBT (Pen & Paper Test) 27th April,2019
Exam Centres